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机模制作问题 (Aircraft modeling questions)

发表于 2023-6-2 17:13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我是一个FSX,P3D玩家和开发者,现在手里有很多UTT, TFS, FSP, AIA, FAIB等的机模。前几天看到论坛上有用UTT机模改ATC4 机模的样例,现在在此询问一下如何进行这样的转码或者修改。涂装在mdl阅读的时候是以aircraft.cfg的形式存在的和specx.inix是不是类似,都是定义涂装和模型的基本参数。总之很想知道如何将这些FSX和P3D的机模转换到ATC4里来。
I'm a player as well as a community contributor for FSX and P3D. For planning AI traffics in FSX and P3D, I downloaded a number of models form creators such as UTT, TFS, FSP, AIA, FAIB and others. A few days ago while browsing this site for new liveries. I came across a model made by the user Oda that was converted from UTT Boeing 787-10 and had the ANA texture that was probably from Juergen Hangar website. I really want to know how to make the conversion because all the models that I have would enrich the game so much if they could be converted into ATC4 models. I wonder if the aircraft.cfg in the FSX models work the same as the specx.inix in ATC4. Can someone help me?

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发表于 2023-6-7 14:34:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NH788 于 2023-6-7 18:38 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-18 10:43:05 | 显示全部楼层

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