关卡介绍: 回归后的第二个改档。距离新冠疫情的爆发已经过去了两年,可是依然没有好转的迹象。全球航空业备受打击,出国旅游更是成为了一种不可能。但是, 无论新冠疫情如何肆虐,春天依旧美好,应该拥抱春风。
Introduction:This is the 2nd stage after my return. It has been 2 years since the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19, but there's still no evidence indicates that the situation is getting easier. The global aviation industry is severely battered, while travelling abroad, of course, becomes impossible. No matter how serious the epidemic is, spring is fine, and we shall embrace the spring breeze.
关卡难度: 3/5星
Difficulty: 3/5 Stars
关卡时长: 45分钟
Duration: 45 Min.
出场航司: 日本航空公司,全日空,乐桃航空,捷星航空(日本),星悦航空,日本越洋航空,日本空中通勤,J-Air航空,天马航空,天草航空,IBEX航空,富士梦航空,日本航空自卫队,国泰航空,韩亚航空,中华航空,新加坡航空,中国南方航空,泰国航空,STIG Airways(虚拟航空公司)
Airlines on stage: JAL, ANA, APJ, JJP, SFJ, JTA, JAC, JLJ, SKY, AHX, IBX, FDA, JAF, CPA, AAR, CAL, SIA, CSN, THA, STG (virtual airline company, created by myself)
改档截图 / A few pictures :
These pictures are only for references!
下载地址 / Links for download:
百度网盘 / Baidu Netdisk:
谷歌 / Google Drive:
提示: 对于使用福冈中文版本的玩家,将语言切换为日语或英语,效果更佳。
Tips: For those who are using RJFF Chinese version, please change the language into Japanese or English to get a better experience.
Wish you a nice play!
Please contact me on QQ : 2946134430 if you have any questions!